Finding the lowest cost on electricity and gas
Our company is perfectly positioned to service your energy demands, at a lower cost than ever thought possible. Bolla Energy serves as a direct line to ALL of the nation's premier energy providers. We initiate a true bidding "war" for your gas / electric business. Once a supplier has been selected, we actively monitor your energy expenditure and look for further opportunities to improve your bottom line.
It’s a simple law of economics. When companies compete for your business, you win. That’s why in many markets around the country, governments have deregulated energy utilities so that different companies can compete for electric and gas customers’ business. Competition drives prices down. And customers pay less. Bolla energy takes competition to the next level by implementing a reverse auction process. All applicable supply companies are including in a unique multi-phase bidding process which ultimately nets you the lowest rates available in the industry. [LEARN MORE]...
The price of energy is directly related to the natural gas market. Mainly because the vast majority of electricity produced is done so by burning natural gas. Analyzing the natural gas market is the best indicator in forecasting the price of electricity. When the natural gas market is peaking, you want to exercise a holding patter, sticking to short/no-term deals. Conversely, when the market is in a trough you want to secure the longest term possible (locking in the low rate for as long possible). Rates are lowest they've been in 7 years and starting to rise. Let us is get you locked in to an exceptional rate. [GAS CHART] [LEARN MORE]...
Most of the electricity in the U.S. is made from non-renewable, polluting sources. Most people don’t realize that the traditional production of electricity is the largest source of industrial air pollution in the U.S. Don't despair, there’s a better way. Clean energy is 100% pollution-free and produced entirely from renewable sources, such as wind, meaning the resources used to make them are naturally replenished and virtually inexhaustible. Promoting clean energy is a priority of Bolla Energy, we find green energy at rates comparable to (and often better than) traditional "gray" energy. [LEARN MORE]...